Donation from Christ Church and the Marvelous Micro Scooters!
Many people studied the pictures, and donations flooded right in too! It was a super experience and made all our scooting efforts seem all the more worthwhile. In total over £350 from the generous congregation at Christ Church was donated. Thank you Christ Church!
It was however rather awkward answering questions about when our next leg of the scoot was taking place, because as some of you know, our daughters scooters had been stolen. I told Rosemary we must just focus on what our plan is - to scoot the length of the Thames and not let ourselves get side-tracked by disappointments along the way... although to be honest losing the scooters had ground us to an almost permanent halt! "Something good will happen, you just have to believe it..." I kept saying.
Then on Tuesday I received a message from Micro Scooter saying they were very excited about what we are doing for the Red Cross and would like to be involved and meet with The Red Cross. They offered us all a scooter so that our daughters can continue their fundraising journey, and we can scoot alongside! On Thursday a huge parcel arrived and Wow! did we have fun unwrapping it!
Jeremy has a Micro Flex Air multi-terrain, and mine is a lovely Micro Floral White scooter which looks very pretty and can fold up too. Rosemary has pretty pink Maxi Micro and Jasmine a cute pink Mini Micro. The girls loved the pink colouring and their little lights and bells.... in fact the lights and bells have kept flicking and tringing from inside their bedroom until quite late every night!
Next week we hope to scoot into The British Red Cross HQ in London with our bursting donations tin.
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