Thinking Ahead
A few years ago a fantastic new 'bouldering' area was discovered on the Cape Peninsula, Red Hill. It lay within the confines of the Table Mountain National Park, and due to its fairly remote location the area had not seen much sporting activity. Nobody really thought to ask too many questions, or create a protocol of how best the land could be used for bouldering but also ensure little disturbance to flora and fauna. We just climbed on the boulders had enjoyed the scenery. Most South African climbers like to think of ourselves as being environmentally sound, and avid nature lovers. Most of us will pick up other people's litter, and feel we are not harming the environment by scrambling over a couple of rocks... after all it is actually quite exciting bashing your way through thick undergrowth to find yet another piece of amazing overhanging sandstone that no one has ever climbed... ever in the entire history of the human race! It is a true voyage of discovery. I did wonder...