
Showing posts from April, 2011

Don't Pump Arsenic into Africa, Shell NO TO FRACKING

These words below are not my own. They are words of someone who is living through the disastrous consequences of arsenic, benzene and other chemicals being pumped into their water and air due to Shell's fracking process. Every study, and every report I have read is similar. The full impact will only be realised once Shell and their service company have made their millions and paid off politicians. Please do not support Shell, who already have a shocking track record. Send on this message: "South Africa, you need to fight this with all you're worth. I live in Pennsylvania in the United States in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region - a shale basin touted as one of the largest, if not THE largest shale area in the world. They've been fracking here for several years. Our municipal water supplies have been contaminated, our private water wells have been contaminated. On top of this, our AIR has been contaminated. This process involves far more than just a drilling rig a...