The Benefits of Modern Technology
There is just one item in my handbag or rucksac that I share the ultimate 'love hate' relationship with. Everyday I use it, carry it, and I feel either excited or irritated by it. For an inanimate object to play such an important role in your life, not only physically, but also emotionally is one thing, but to go as far as to say that it actually helped to save your life, and that you wrote a book about it would sound like a wild exageration. Yes, our mobile phone did exactly that. I will never forget the moment of relief to find it had battery power and a small signal, as I pulled it from my frozen rucsac whilst perched high on an Alpine ledge during a ferocious blizzard . Nor will I forget the complete feeling of desperation and sadness when it came time to either accept our fate, and text our last goodbyes to family and friends, or to forgo that opportunity and keep fighting to survive. This link: shows how modern technology en...