Toddler Camping for cheats
Camping with toddlers may seem a bit of chore. All the getting ready, the packing, unpacking, crying over dollies left at home and misplaced tent pitching enthusiasm. An easy alternative is 'balcony camping.' (Or 'stoep camping') Two nights ago Rosemary looked up at the crescent moon and milky way from her balcony 'camp bed' with wonder before exclaiming. "I can't reach the moon. It is too high." There was quite a pause, then, "I can reach it with a step ladder." Rosemary's camp bed is our bouldering mat, and it has never seen quite so much use as it is now. Later the moon set blood red over the Atlantic ocean, that earlier that day I had braved a 'swim' in. Large bats flew overhead, and the calls of the night were plentiful. Most interesting was the grunting of the Eland which seemed to echo across the valley. The great advantages of balcony camping are: having use of your entire kitchen including the microwave. having the l...